Our Values

As we endeavor to establish guidelines for the operation of the Dadeville Police Department, first we must have a clear and understandable concept of who and what we are.

With this in mind we, the members of the Dadeville Police Department, make the following declarations concerning our values:

WE VALUE HUMAN LIFE---For our first goal being to protect life, we recognize the awesome responsibility that goes with our authority, as a last resort, to take a life in order to protect the life of the innocent.

WE VALUE INTEGRITY---For without sound moral principle and character we cannot enforce the laws on others.

WE VALUE THE CONSTITUTION AND LAWS OF THE LAND---For it is these that we are sworn to uphold and without which anarchy would reign.

WE VALUE EXCELLENCE---For with the responsibility of law enforcement, mediocre will not suffice.

WE VALUE ACCOUNTABILITY---For we are accountable to the citizens we serve as well as being accountable to ourselves and our Creator.

WE VALUE COOPERATION---For it is the cooperation among ourselves, the public and other law enforcement agencies that enables us to meet our responsibilities.

WE VALUE PROBLEM SOLVING---For surely our role in society is to help the people.

WE VALUE OUR IMAGE IN THE COMMUNITY---For truly our effectiveness is dependent upon the support of the citizens which we serve.

WE VALUE THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL---For our role is not to oppress, but to serve.

WE VALUE OURSELVES---For it is with pride and humility that we serve and protect the citizens of Dadeville, Alabama.

Online Complaint Form

Should you have complaints, concerns, or general information or inquiries that you wish to submit online please feel free to do so using our easy online form. Just click the button!

It is our pleasure to serve the Dadeville community.

As always, if you have a police, fire, or medical emergency, call 9-1-1.